Thursday, February 8, 2007

Almost here...

Well, we fly out in just 2 more days. Jesse had a meeting with Bert (his advisor) and the rest of the group who are going with us on this trip. We finally have our passports back! It was crazy, we got all of our passports and filled out the necessary paperwork and got a bunch of pictures taken for our visas. Sent them all away to Ottawa, and the consolate of Bangladesh gave us our visa's, but India sent our stuff back saying that we needed to actually send the stuff to Vancouver! Oh fun... so we finally have them all back, and we have our tickets for our flights, and we can't believe that we are going in just 2 days! Hopefully we will be ready. I have 2 more days of work, and then we will be off! We will write one more thing tomorrow night before we leave, and hopefully figure out how to attach a picture so we know how when we are over there.
Take care!

1 comment:

Greg/Nicole said...

Hi guys... just a note to say we will be praying for you tomorrow as you fly... and will be thinking of you often. This is a grand adventure, enjoy your time together and stay safe. We will be checking your site often to see where you are and everything.. Love Greg and Nicole & Melaya